
How Can We Help You

Optimize your brain so it functions at its peak!

We offer services to help you maximize your cognitive potential through services provided by our professionals

Meet the Team


Iron Team Contact

Cognitive Enhancement Training Program (Hurlburt & Duke)

In-garrison specialty training for enhanced cognitive ability. Comprises of an initial cognitive baseline, 20 cognitive training sessions, mid-program progress assessment, and final cognitive assessment. Training program takes anywhere from 3 to 6 months.

Tactical Cognitive Assessment

This assessment is done online at home or in your office, and will provide you with an understanding of your cognitive abilities.

You will need a good WiFi signal and headphones.

To schedule, email:

Dr. Todd: troy.todd.3.ctr@us.af.mil

Ms. Smith: dina.smith.1.ctr@us.af.mil

Custom Built Cognitive Assessment (Hurlburt & Duke)

Directly targets any cognitive ability you want to better understand about yourself. Measure your attention, focus, memory, reaction time, processing speed, visual spatial abilities, decision making, etc..