492nd SOTRSS

Established in January 2019, the 492nd Special Operations Training Support Squadron is the largest Formal Training Unit assigned to Air Force Special Operations Command. The 492nd SOTRSS, based at Hurlburt Field, FL, is responsible for the support, management, and facilitation of formal flight training for Air Force Special Operations Forces. This includes campus facility and device management, contract quality assurance, medical and mental health support, training product development and innovation, and MDS program management.

Furthermore, the squadron administratively manages and supports all officer and enlisted students enrolled in initial and mission qualification training for the the AC-130J, MC-130H, U-28A, C-145, C-146, and C-208 in addition to Direct Support Operators non-rated Combat Aviation Advisor students.

Vision: Disciplined professionals providing relevant training for AFSOC and focused on shaping the next generation of Air Commandos

Mission: Provide exceptional student support, training facilitation and development, contract oversight, and MDS program management to meet Wing and AFSOC priorities.


Develop our Human Capital

Optimize Training and Resources

Build a Culture of Professionalism, Teamwork, and Accountability


The 492nd SOTRSS operates under the Total Force Integration (TFI) concept as strengths of the active duty Air Force, the U.S. Air Force Reserve, Department of Defense civilians and contract personnel form an integrated training and education team dedicated to Forging Air Commandos, Developing unique SOF capabilities, and Executing special operations core activities.


Current as of 1 May 2021