Optimize your brain so it functions at its peak!
We offer services to help you maximize your cognitive potential through services provided by our professionals
492 SOW / ACDC
In-garrison specialty training for enhanced cognitive ability. Comprises of an initial cognitive baseline, 20 cognitive training sessions, mid-program progress assessment, and final cognitive assessment. Training program takes anywhere from 3 to 6 months.
This assessment is done online at home or in your office, and will provide you with an understanding of your cognitive abilities.
You will need a good WiFi signal and headphones.
To schedule, email:
Dr. Todd: troy.todd.3.ctr@us.af.mil
Ms. Smith: dina.smith.1.ctr@us.af.mil
Directly targets any cognitive ability you want to better understand about yourself. Measure your attention, focus, memory, reaction time, processing speed, visual spatial abilities, decision making, etc..